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At least 15 people were confirmed dead on Saturday as security forces battled Islamist militants who stormed a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Somali officials told Somali Times.
“The security forces continued to neutralise terrorists who have been cordoned inside a room in the hotel building, most of the people were rescued but at least 15 civilians were confirmed dead so far.”
Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017
Hayat hotel most of those who died are reported to have been civilians the attack started with two car bomb blasts, followed by gunfire.
Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017
“A group of Al-Shabaab attackers forcibly entered Hotel Hayat in Mogadishu, the fighters are carrying out random shooting inside the hotel,” the terror group claimed online.
Somalia spy chief Mahad Salad, Somalia president Hassan Sheikh, Minister of Religion Mukthar Robow and Mahad Karate are members of Al-Shabab terrorist group according to information obtained by Somali Times.
Since Hassan Sheikh took over office 15 May 2022 Al-Shabab has accessed every department of government easily. Attacks and killings inside jobs Al-Shabab are committing more atrocities such as rape, murder and suicide bombing. Everything is out of control Mogadishu is going back to the Dark Ages.
According sources told Somali Times Hayat hotel owner refuse to pay extortion Al-Shabab that is the reason they attacked the hotel most businesses in Mogadishu they pay extortion illegal tax.