Exclusive: New member of Somali Parliament Ali Haji is Al-Shabab member terrorist group

A Photograph appear on the Internet/ Somali Parliament Ali Haji is Al-Shabab member terrorist group

Somalia one of the elected parliamentarians in Beledweyne is Al-Shabab member terrorist group a video that was spread while he was in Al-Shabab constituencies on social media.

Lawmaker Ali Haji Aden Abubakar, one of the lawmakers sworn in yesterday, spoke about a video posted on social media in Al-Shabab strong holds. Ali Haji fully support Al-Shabab terror network, sources told Somali Times Ali is member of Al-Shabab terrorist.

Lawmaker Ali Haji was seen in a remote area of ​​the village of El Ali in the Hiran region, thanking to Al-Shabab electing him as an MP.

The lawmaker said, when he was taking teachers to El Ali High School, saying he was part of a committee Al-Shabab terrorist network.

In a speech at a ceremony, he thanked Al-Shabab, using the prompting the lawmaker of having close ties to Al-Shabab.

He admited that the elected delegates were among those who elected Al-Shabab, a voter verification committee confirmed Ali is representative Al-Shabab in Somalia Parliament.

“There are people who went to the delegates and went to the men in fear. They are not allowed to run in the next election and the government has made a decision. It has been closely monitored and security committees are working.”

”A long speech at the opening of the El Ali High School in which I thanked the local authorities, and Al-Shabab terrorist group.”

The lawmaker said he had close links with Al-Shabab, adding that he was now working to bring government services to the people he represents under Al-Shabab.

Somalia clan based elections no one knows how many Al-Shabab elect MPs in Somalia parliament it has become loophole.