The Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Technology has signed a cooperation agreement with International Telecommunications Union at the World Telecom Development Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Agreement sets the terms and conditions of the cooperation between the Ministry and ITU. Its purpose is to provide a mechanism for the ITU to assist Somalia under ITU Resolutions, which directs the ITU and the Secretary General to extend support to Somalia, as the country is a beneficiary as one of the Least Developed Countries.
The Agreement came about as a result of direct appeal to the Secretary General and the Directors of ITU Bureaus by the Minister in Geneva a few months ago. The Ministry also worked with the Director of the ITU Arab Region to finalize the Agreement.
As part of this Agreement, The ITU will assist Somalia in a number of areas that are memorialized in the Agreement. These include: the development of national ICT policies and infrastructure, capacity building in the field of ICTs, assistance in establishing an ICT regulator, an ICT training institute, and enhancement of ICT access and usage in the education, healthcare or other sectors, with due regard to disadvantaged or vulnerable groups within society.
The Agreement was signed for the Federal Republic of Somalia by the minister H. E. Abdi Ashur Hassan, and for ITU Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director of Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU.