File Photo/Somali Times
The governor of Puntland, Said Deni, says the federal government of Somalia is running a plan that looks like returning the country to a centralized government system.
Governor Deni said that the two articles that he recently refused to sign are articles that are against the federalization system of the country and are similar to the advice of the Somali federal government.
Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017
Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017
Deni said that the plan is to pass the constitution without discussing the issues of Somaliland, and the Sool region will be legalized to Somaliland British colony border made by the British Empire and it never existed before they come to colonize Africa.
Deni, who was speaking last night at a ceremony to celebrate his 4th anniversary, said that today he will issue a letter on how to adapt to the new phase that Somalia is facing.
Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud has been ignoring ongoing violence in Las Anod and he thinks that the Sool region is a another country.