
Pakistan: 7 killed in Chinese Consulate attack

At least seven people were killed in an armed attack on the Chinese Consulate in Pakistan’s southern port city of Karachi on Friday morning, a police official said. Ameer Shaikh, Karachi police chief, told reporters that two policemen and three attackers were killed and a suicide jacket was recovered in a security operation. Two civilians

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CIA holds ‘smoking gun phone call’ of Saudi Crown Prince on Khashoggi murder: Columnist

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is in possession of a phone call recording of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in which he is heard giving an instruction to “silence Jamal Khashoggi as soon as possible,” Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi wrote on Nov. 22. According to Selvi, CIA Director Gina Haspel “signalled” during her trip

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Australia Moves to Strip Terror Suspects of Citizenship After Melbourne Attack

On November 9, a terror attack occurred in Melbourne, Australia: Hassan Khalifa Shire Ali, a Somali-born man with an invalid passport, stabbed 3 people, killing one. The incident has led to a federal-level discussion concerning ways to make Australia safer. This Thursday Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison, along with Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton

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Rights group in France sues Abu Dhabi crown prince

A Paris-based human rights group on Wednesday announced it has filed a criminal complaint against the crown prince of Abu Dhabi for his role in the devastating war in Yemen. Joseph Breham, a lawyer of the International Alliance for Defence of Rights and Freedoms (AIDL), told reporters that the group was suing Mohammed bin Zayed

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UAE jails Briton for life for spying, UK assails ‘unacceptable’ ruling

A UAE court sentenced a British academic to life in prison on charges of spying for the British government on Wednesday, in a move Britain said would have serious diplomatic consequences for relations between the old allies. The United Arab Emirates public prosecutor said the sentence was handed down on Matthew Hedges “after the accused

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Exclusive: After Khashoggi murder, some Saudi royals turn against king’s favourite son

LONDON (Reuters) – Amid international uproar over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, some members of Saudi Arabia’s ruling family are agitating to prevent Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from becoming king, three sources close to the royal court said. Dozens of princes and cousins from powerful branches of the Al Saud family want to

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US president refuses to hear Khashoggi death tape

‘I don’t want to hear the tape, no reason for me to hear the tape,’ US president tells Fox News U.S. President Donald Trump has no plans to listen to an audiotape of the Oct. 2 killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. “I don’t want to hear the tape,

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AU leaders applaud Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for reforms

Africa’s leaders applauded Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for making substantial reforms in his country as they met to consider improvements to the continent-wide body at the start of a summit Saturday. Abiy, 42, outlined the reforms that he has made since coming to power in April, including releasing thousands of prisoners, lifting bans on

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Saudi Crown Prince MbS ordered Khashoggi’s assassination, CIA concludes

CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince M. Bin Salman ordered the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post reported late Friday.”In reaching its conclusions, the CIA examined multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince’s brother Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, had with Khashoggi,

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Will the anti-Israel proclivities of new House Democrats affect others in the party?

One of the biggest storylines coming out of the recent midterm elections was the changing face of the newly elected members of Congress. The incoming 116th Congress will have its largest share of women and minority members to date. Among those new faces are the first Muslim woman, congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and the

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