Fundamentals of Turkish economy are “very strong,” Qatar’s economy and the commercial minister said.”Sometimes in economies, there may be up and downs, but the important thing is fundamentals of economies,” Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim bin Mohammed al-Thani told Anadolu Agency in Berlin.
Last month, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani has said Qatar will make $15 billion direct investment in Turkey, during his visit to the capital Ankara.
“Qatar has been investing in Turkey for a long time, we trust the Turkish economy, that’s why Qatar announced to invest $15 billion in Turkey,” the Qatari economy minister said.
The private sector of Turkey is mature and well developed, especially in the area of export, he said.”We are friend [of Turkey] for a long time and we will continue to be friends,” al-Thani added.
Source: Anadolu Agency