Kenya’s president says it will not comply with the court’s ICJ decision

What does Kenya say about the practice of entering the maritime decision reached by the ICJ court?

The Kenyan government has said that the ICJ court’s decision in the maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia will not comply with the court’s decision new Kenyan government August 2022.

This point was expected to be discussed by the presidents of Somalia and Kenya, who yesterday reached an agreement containing unnecessary drug trade, that do not include the issue of the ICJ court’s decision maritime case.

Kenya said the court’s decision will be the first job of the president replacing President Kenyatta, after the August 9th 2022 election.

Kenya has already said that it will not comply with the court’s decision, but it is not known whether the relationship they have with the new president of Somalia will change their previous position corrupt Uhuru Kenyatta said no.

Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017

The maritime dispute between Somalia and Kenya, which has been going on for almost ten years, was ruled in Somalia’s favour last year.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has already said that part of the sea land that was ruled, will not be handed over to Somalia.

Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017

Somalia’s corrupt low IQ president Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and counterpart Kenya president Uhuru Kenyatta agree to reopen drug trade to kill more Somalis. Unfortunate Hassan Sheikh interest to make money out of the drug trade he does not care about the Somali people who are already suffering according to sources told Somali Times.

Read: Somalia’s president Hassan Sheikh history of corruption 2012-2017

Corrupt president Hassan Sheikh might give to contract drug trade one of his wives and his brother sources say they are going to make millions of dollars on the drug trade.