Somali government said the UAE is encouraging unrest

Somalia Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Osman Dubbe said United Arab Emirates of violating international law by belittling Somalia’s government as “interim” and seeking to sow violence.

A Saturday UAE statement on recent clashes in the country also violates bilateral fellowship, Osman Dubbe, Somalia’s information minister, told a press conference in Mogadishu.

“The UAE statement is inconsistent with international diplomacy, brotherly relations between the two countries, and Arab culture,” said Dubbe.

“The United Arab Emirates wants Somalia to be like Yemen and Libya and wants to create in Somalia displacement, violence, and backwardness, and that is something the Somali people are wary of,” he added. Commenting on recent clashes between Somali government forces and opposition groups, the UAE statement accused Somalia of using excessive force against civilians and called its government an “interim government.”

The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Osman Dubbe said that the UAE owed the Somali people an explanation.