File Photo/Somali Times
The security forces of the Somalia Presidency and the specially trained police are set to officially take over the general security of the country’s presidency tomorrow.
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The African Union peacekeeping forces in Somalia are transferring after many years the security of the country’s presidency where the top leaders of Somalia reside.
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The Villa Somalia is home to the offices of the President, the Prime Minister and the Parliament since 2007, it has been under the control of the security of the African Union forces,.
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This step is a prelude to the general security of Somalia by the armed forces, and it is expected that the peacekeeping forces in Somalia will gradually leave the country until the end of the next year in 2024.
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However African Union forces are still in control of the security of other important centers in Mogadishu, including the Aden Adde airport and the main port of Mogadishu.