Why US give $92.6 million corrupt Somali government?

The government of Somalia has signed a $92.6 million development agreement with the United States government to promote resilience, stability, economic growth, and governance.

The minister of planning of the government of Somalia, Mohamoud Abdirahman, one of the ministers who signed this agreement, said that this economic agreement is important for the recovery of the humanitarian situation in the country.

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Mohamoud Abdirahman said this support is the second in two years. He said last year that USIAD implemented projects in Somalia costing more than $70m.

The minister said that this project should be developed specifically for economic growth, resistance to challenges, empowerment of youth and women and children’s education plans.

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This agreement reflects, as the minister said, the deep cooperation between the United States and Somalia.

On the other hand, Somalia’s Minister of Finance, Bihi Iman Egah, said that this support has come at an important time when corruption is high Somalia president Hassan and his two wives.

Somali president and his family including ministers are looting public funds.