A photograph appeared on the Internet.
Somalia’s state minister for finance, Mohamoud Hayir Ibrahim and his cousin Isse Haji Farah are illegally fishing in Somalia. Mr Mohamoud Hayir Ibrahim facilitates the operations of a fishing company called North East Fishing Company, founded by his two cousins in Puntland, by issuing clearance certificates against the law, According to Somali officials.
”North East Fishing Company had a well-placed entry point into the federal government: the FGS State Minister of Finance, Mohamoud Hayir Ibrahim, a Puntland native and cousin of North East Fishing Company director Captain Isse Haji Farah,”
The report adds that Ibrahim formerly worked for ”North East Fishing Company before being appointed a federal minister.
Isse Haji Farah, also known as Captain Isse, is one of the richest men in Somalia. He has been in this illegal fishing business for the past 30 years according to Somali officials told Somali Times.
Captain Isse makes a lot of money from this illegal fishing business which he even uses to destabilize the country’s politics in order to continue his illegal fishing business in Somalia.
Isse Haji Farah has spent a lot of money trying to bribe a member of parliament to defend himself in the Somali parliament. In Somalia through Minister of Fisheries Abdullahi Bidhan jointly generate large sums of money from illegal fishing in Somali waters.