Abdullahi Hashi Nur, a political analyst, said plans to relocate the Amisom base to the Somali regional government which had been pushed back by the Ethiopian government for a long time. In a interview with Kulmiye Radio, Abdullahi Nur said that the base will be a safe heaven for Ethiopian interests in Somalia, and that the Ethiopian government will have more power to monitor activities inside Somalia.
“During the previous government led by President Hassan Sheikh when he visited the local government, there was talk that he would open the base and transfer it to the Amisom base in the near future,” he said. He continued speaking, he said, “As the largest country in the Country are some legal and illegal, and a policy, a state building in Somalia and monitoring activities, as there are previous problems remain unresolved. Ethiopia has for some time sought legal recognition to be able to monitor activities inside Somalia.
He also said that there was no shortage of Western countries with a strong interest in the Horn of Africa region, and that they had chosen to focus on Ethiopia, the most populous in the region. Abdullahi Ali Hashi said that the federal system is divided in its enforcement of Ethiopia, and the ability to host the Active, with noteworthy that the troops are not part of the mission’s presence in the country, which in a separate agenda.
The base, which will be built in Ethiopia, particularly in western Somalia, will reportedly cost more than $ 13 million, and will be funded by the United States.
Abdullahi Hashi Nur has finally called on politicians to come up with a vision and a preventable risk with the plan from going forward. The future of Somalia is a colony of Ethiopia.