Areas within the city where commercial sex workers freely operate from without even fearing the long hands of the law can now be revealed.
Park Road is one of the streets where the commercial sex workers ply their trade both during the day and at night. So desperate are the prostitutes who operate in the area that fight often break out amongst them whenever they spot a potential client approaching.
A spot check by Nairobi News on Friday night revealed how the commercial sex workers don’t even fear police officers.
“The officers never arrest them despite the fact that they engage in illegal business,” said James Kamau a guard along the street.
Our investigations also revealed that some of the commercial sex workers are as old as 50 years. Dressed in a mini-dress that barely reaches her knees, is Jane 52, who has been in this business for decades now.
“I started working at a bar along this road before it was closed down and I had to go on with my life. That’s how I ended up here,” she told Nairobi News. She confessed that whereas hers is a dirty job, she been earning a decent living which has hooked her to the trade of flesh.
Ms Jane said that she makes over Sh 1,000 per night which for is not bad. As we went about undercover beat some of the sex workers even attempted to entice us by announcing reduced prices for their services. “Hey, come over we can negotiate on the price today am in moods,” one of them shouts at us.
At Ronald Ngara, just after the Riverside bus terminus, the situation is not different. Here commercial sex workers grab men by the shirts. Men who seem to be aware of their habits are even forced to use the other side of the road. “They are always unruly and we wonder why the police are not taking action against them yet they usually pass through here,” said Joshua Njihia, who sells peanuts along Ronald Ngara stretch.
The infamous Koinange Street remains a hot spot for commercial sex workers but the closure of joints along the street famously known as K-Street, has forced most of them to move to other areas. Parliament Road is also a favourite for commercials sex workers who consider themselves classy and different from those who operate from down town Nairobi.
Source: Nairobi News.