Somali Attorney General appoints committee to investigate oil deal by minister

Somalia’s Attorney General Suleiman Mohamed has appointed a committee of prosecutors to investigate and take appropriate action against the oil deal signed by Somalia’s Minister of Petroleum and Minerals Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed.

“I have ordered and appointed prosecutors to investigate and take appropriate action on the oil agreement signed by the Somali Minister of Petroleum and Minerals based on the Auditor General’s preliminary investigation,” the prosecutor said.

The prosecutor made the decision, based on a preliminary investigation by the Somali Audit Office into the oil deal with Coastline.

The Auditor General has submitted a memorandum to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to as certain whether there are any acts of corruption affecting the agreement signed by the Minister Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed of Petroleum with Coastline exploration Ltd.

The Auditor General has called for a strike against anyone involved in the deal, but the government has not yet taken action.