File Photo/Somali Times
After Saturday’s meeting of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, which was filled with noise, there is increasing noise among the members of the Assembly that there is a ‘serious motion’ against the government.
Reports say that members of the People’s Assembly are now carrying out strong activities in the cities of Mogadishu and Nairobi, after they started meetings there led by members of the opposition to the government.
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Villa Somalia, based on this issue, managed to cancel a meeting of the members of the parliament yesterday and convinced the Speaker of the House of Representatives to postpone the meeting until Wednesday.
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According to Somali Times, President Hassan Sheikh and Prime Minister Hamza are very suspicious of the meeting of the parliament, as there was a big noise that the parliamentarians are carrying out a serious motion against government. Somalia MPs submit motion to remove prime minister Hamza Abdi Barre.
Read: Why is Somalia an unfortunate country?
After that, the head of state started meetings with the Somali parliamentarians, to resolve the current crisis.
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On the other hand, former MP Mohamed Omar Dalha, who gave a interview to outlet media, spoke about the parliamentary debate, especially the news about the motion.
Dalha revealed that if a motion is brought to the government at this time, it will be a major challenge, as he said.
“On the other hand, there is a motion against the government, against the president, against the board, and if there is an issue, it is an obstacle to the progress of the government,” said former MP Mr. Mohamed Omar Dalha.
He also added, “The government can be held accountable, but it is necessary to dismiss and establish a new one, the direction of politics, economy and security, so the prime minister should go immediately.”
Finally, Dalha sent a serious message to President Hassan Sheikh, calling on him to learn a lesson from his previous leadership, which saw the dismissal of three prime ministers.
“I want to give a directive to President Hassan Sheikh. He is an experienced man who has not led the country before. His previous government was described as the government in which three prime ministers were fired,” said Mohamed Omar Dalha again in this interview.
This statement comes with the current political situation in Somalia, as a result of the agreement reached by the National Consultative Council.