Somalia’s President rejects talks with Kenya on the ICJ maritime decision

File Photo/Somali Times

The Somali government has spoken about rejecting talks on maritime issues which was called by the President of Kenya, William Ruto, who said earlier in Djibouti that they will negotiate with Somalia again on the maritime dispute.

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly has called a questioning meeting with the administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, and the questions asked were about the issue of the maritime case.

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The former ambassador of the European Union, Member of Parliament Ali Saed Fiqi, who was one of the committee, asked the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the ongoing talks in Djibouti where Somalia and Kenya are entering into the maritime issue.

The Minister of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, Ali Balad, answered that question and said that President William Ruto’s speech surprised them that day.

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Minister Balad stated that there is absolutely no talks between Somalia and Kenya on the maritime issue, and Djibouti has not made such an offer.

The Minister of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, who emphasized the commitment of the Somali government to the protection of the maritime, said that there will be no negotiation in the case that was decided by the ICJ court.

He said that President Hassan Sheikh has already taken the case to court, but it is impossible for him to negotiate after Somalia won the case.

“Ruto’s statement about Djibouti was a new statement for us, he surprised us, and there is no intervention by Djibouti. The issue of the sea has ended in court, while President Hassan Sheikh refused to discuss the issue of the sea,” said Minister Ali Balad.