Top 10 Most Educated Countries in Africa

By The African Exponent

It is the bedrock of social and economic development. Education is very crucial as it is an investment in human capital.

Some African countries have implemented stringent policies to ensure that their citizens have access to education, thus boosting their literacy rates.

Here are the Top 10 most literate countries in Africa.

Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea has a literacy rate of 95.30 percent with a population of 1,496,662. Equatorial Guinea established its tertiary education in 1995 and has seen continuous progress in its education ever since then.

It is currently Africa’s most educated country, the country rose from second to becoming the most educated country in Africa.

South Africa

The current population of South Africa is 60,620,895 with a literacy rate of 94.30 percent. The education system of South Africa is majorly divided into 3 strata, namely general education and training, further education and training, and higher education and training. The first 6 years are spent at the primary level, where literacy and numeracy are established.


The population of Seychelles has grown steadily since the 1960s. Seychelles is currently growing at the rate of 0.4 percent per year. The current population of Seychelles is 99,357 with a literacy rate of 91.80 percent.

Education is free and compulsory, though, you have to pay for uniforms but not for books or tuition fees.


Libya is one of the most educated countries in Africa. It has a literacy of 91.00 percent. The current population of Libya is 7,043,258 people.

Education in Libya begins with primary education, which is free and compulsory. Children between the ages of 6 and 15 attend primary and then proceed to secondary school for three additional years(15-18-year-olds).


The population growth rate is currently 0.4 percent per year. The current population rate of Mauritius is 1,274,451 with a literacy rate of 90.60 percent.

The education system in Mauritius is majorly based on the British system, it consists of a 2+6+5+2 system of formal education. The education system in Mauritius is categorized into four main sectors which are pre-primary, primary, secondary, and tertiary.


Botswana is in sixth place, with a population of 2,441,162 with an 88.50 percent literacy rate. The education system in Botswana is compulsory between ages five and eight and ends somewhere between ages sixteen and eighteen. Either you attend a public school, a certified private school, or an approved home school program.

Cape Verde

The current population of Cape Verde is 567,019 and a literacy rate of 87.60 percent. Since Cape Verde obtained its independence in 1975, its literacy rate increased. In 1975, only 40 percent of the people were literate, while today, more than 80 percent of the people are literate.


The education system in Zimbabwe consists of 7years of primary and 6years of secondary schooling before students can proceed to the university. The academic year in Zimbabwe runs from January to December, with three months terms, and one month of holidays. With a total of 40 weeks of school per year.

It has a population of 15,261,118 people and an 86.50 percent literacy rate. The country is one of those that has made progress in adult education and provides free public school education to pupils.


The current population of Burundi is 12,543,196 with an 85.60 percent literacy rate. While getting the chance to be one of the most educated countries in Africa, Education in the country is both compulsory and free. Children between the age of seven must be enrolled in school.


Gabon is one of the most educated countries in Africa with a population of 2,321,459 and an 83.20 percent literacy rate, Education is compulsory for a total of 10 years, from the age of 6 to 16. The system is modeled on education in France and French is the language instruction. However, primary education lasts six years rather than the five it does in France because students need an extra year to learn the French language.

Children between the ages of six are required to attend school, which is free.