
President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo Attends AU Summit in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  – The African Union (AU) will hold a conference on next week in Addis Ababa, The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohammed Abdullahi Mohamed and a delegation led by the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, The meeting will last for two days in the case  enforcement purposes,

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Somalia ; President Mohammed Abdullahi Farmajo the project, launched a series of projects in the areas he visited?

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo said recently that he has appointed a committee to monitor the progress of the development projects in the country. President  said that the Commission would appoint its purpose as monitoring of the projects he had undertaken, to monitor their conduct and, on

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President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed appointed a committee tasked with follow-up on his projects

Mogadishu, The president of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said recently appointed a committee to investigate the implementation of the development projects in the area where he travelled. welcomed the UN Security Council’s commitment to upholding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia. “In the coming days I will nominate a

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Somali Prime Minister travels to Switzerland

Mogadishu-Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Ali Kheyre on Monday traveled to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos after official invitation from there, “I am leading a team to attend a three days conference for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The invitation of Somalia to this

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Somalia president sacks Mogadishu mayor,mr Thabit Abdi

Mogadishu-President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed  on Sunday appointed Information Minister, Abdirahman Omar Osman as the new Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu after sacking Thabit Abdi Mohamed who was Mayor and Governor of Benadir Regional Administration, Somalia president has also fired Mogadishu’s district commissioners. The commissioners have on Saturday night

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Somaliland: Ethiopia’s Unlimited Role in Enhancing Regional Integration

The horn of Africa region Ethiopia is more convenient to play a significant role in speeding up the integration of the horn of Africa region economically and socially. So, as it has been doing so far, it needs to see all the enabling situations and manipulate them for this end as integration is not a

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Somalia: Exploitation of public land is barred, Gov’t assigns national committee

Mogadishu-Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed on Friday halted selling, leasing and allocation of public land amid grabbing of public properties is increasing. Since fall of Somalia’s central government in 1990s, the public premises and government institutions had been occupied by individuals. President Farmaajo said his government will assign committee to probe the land issue. ”

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UN agencies appeal for 1.6 bln USD to reach 5.4 million Somalis

The UN agencies working in Somalia on Wednesday launched humanitarian appeal for 2018, seeking 1.6 billion U.S. dollars to reach 5.4 million people with urgent life-saving assistance. Peter de Clercq, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia who launched the Humanitarian Response Plan  for 2018 Plan in Mogadishu, said the money is urgently needed to save 5.4

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Somalia Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad welcomes IOM Chief of Mission

Mogadishu The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E.  Ahmed Isse Awad received letters of credence from the Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration  to Somalia Ms. Dyane Epstein. The Minister and the Chief of Mission of  discussed areas of current partnership in the humanitarian sector, impact of drought, diaspora, providing

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President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed reaches Bosaso town in Bari region

Bosaso-President of the Federal Republic of Somalia,H.E. Mohamed Abdulahi Farmajo on Thursday reached Bosaso town after leaving the Police Academy of Carmo in the same region in Bari where he paid an inspection to the situation there, The President together with a large delegations from Federal Parliament, Ministers and Puntland State received warmed welcome when

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