
Sergei Lavrov calls for strengthening Somalia’s army

Moscow –-Russia is calling on the international community to undertake measures to strengthen Somalia’s army and the African Union Mission in Somalia Amisom, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview. Amisom’s military contingent remains the key component of supporting the Somalian federal government in fighting the al-Shabab terrorist group, which threatens the entire

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The Federal Government of Somalia declares the deal on port of Berbera Illegal.

SOMALI FEDERAL REPUBLIC  Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport Office of the  Minister It has come to the Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport’s attention an alleged investment agreement between DP World, the state of Somaliland and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia regarding the port of Berbera, in which DP world would hold 51% stake

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President Mohamed Receives Credentials from the Ambassador of Spain

Mogadishu- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed. received the letters of credence from the new Spanish Ambassador to Somalia Mr. Javier Garcia De Viedma. The president and the ambassador accompanied by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia and diplomats of both countries discussed the

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Somaliland: RAK GAS Oil Exploration Launch in Sahil Region Scampered

The RAKGAS execution of the production sharing Agreement PSA with government of Somaliland, seems in doubt. The PSA launch starting with an awareness raising campaign in the target area of Sahil Region failed to take-off as slated in Berbera. Without prior warning the participants awaiting launch of the campaign including Businessmen, local leaders and ordinary

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Somaliland: Parliament to Investigate Suspect Corruption in Failed Hargeisa Water Expansion Project

Despite being availed millions of dollars the Hargeisa Water Expansion Project has failed miserably. Accordingly citizens of the Somaliland capital city Hargeisa continue to suffer from scarcity of safe, clean and sufficient water. This is per chairman of the Social services parliamentary committee MP Abdirahman Osman Alin ‘Abdirahman Dheere’ during a briefing with Somnews TV

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Somali prime minister orders security agencies to beef up the security in Mogadishu

Mogadishu-Somalia Prime Minister H.E Haassan Ali Kheyre has demanded the police and intelligence agencies to response the security situation and make reliable safety in Mogadishu, The prime minister Kheyre, together with the minister of internal security H.E Mohamed abukar Islow and chief of security forces spoke to Mogadishu stabilizing forces and pointed the army to

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Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world

Somalia is still in the forefront of the world’s most corrupt country.This year’s report, released by the agency, shows that Somalia, one of the countries in Africa, ranked first in corruption. The agency assesses the corruption that has been committed by the government officials without any penalties. The agency quoted experts as saying that these

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The new spy Chief of Somali Intelligence Agency has taken over in the office

Mogadishu, At the ceremony, the Minister Mr Abukar Islow  was accompanied by The new spy chief, Mr Hussein Osman Hussein, who has been in office for the past three months. “I urge the Somali Intelligence Agency to work differently and we will double our intelligence and work to bring this country to peace and prosperity,”

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The Governor of Mogadishu has had discussions with the leaders of the Benadir Regional Courts on improvements of the Public justice

Mogadishu—The Governor of the Benadir Region, who is also the Mayor of Mogadishu, H.E. Abdirahman Omar Osman and the heads of the Regional Courts, the president of the Court of Benadir, Mr. Aweis and the president of the Benadir Regional Court of appeal Mr Salah discussed ways to improve the service of the courts to

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Major security shake-up after emergency cabinet meeting in Villa Somalia.

Mogadishu – The Somalia government has launched a major security shake-up on Monday after an emergency meeting held by cabinet ministers in Villa Somalia. Immediate changes were made to the top brass of Somalia’s security apparatus with new commanders in the intelligence, police and custodial corps. The government has appointed Osman Sheikh Hussein as the

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