
Somalia releases jailed ex-minister and government critic

Somalia has released without charge a former minister and critic of the government who spent two days in jail after being arrested for alleged treason, a lawmaker said on Thursday. The arrest of Abdirahman Abdishakur, who was a candidate in a February election won by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, followed mounting pressure on the president

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Somalia; lawmakers seek to impeach president amid political crisis

Somali lawmakers said on Wednesday they plan to impeach the president in a mounting political crisis that could put the fledgling government on a violent collision course with one of the country’s clans. The political turmoil endangers fragile gains against the Islamist al Shabaab insurgency and could derail the government of President Mohamed Abdullahi.Mohamed Farmajo

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President H E Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Congratulates Somali Police Forces

President of Somali Federal Republic, H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo on Wednesday sent a congratulation message to all police forces for their 74th anniversary, Well organized event is going on in the capital while police forces are presenting different army skills which threats enemies.Somali President praised the role of the police engage in recreation society

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Former minister detained in night raid, bodyguards clashed with security forces

Somali security forces have detained a former minister on Sunday night after a violent clash with his bodyguards, the security ministry said on Monday. Abdirahman Abdishakur, the former Minister of Planning was arrested at his home. He is accused of treason. Abdishakur reportedly defied the arrest warrant, forcing security forces to raid his home and

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United Nations High Commissioner arrives in the capital Mogadishu

Photo/Somali Times United Nations Refugee Agency’s High Commissioner, Flippo Grandi has today on Sunday arrived in the Somali Capital Mogadishu, Somali Federal Government ,Prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire welcomed the United Nations delegation, saying the Commissioner will be here in the capital for two days and will meet Somali President , then fly to Kismayo

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Somalia’s Defense Ministry Calls For More US Drone Strikes

Somalia’s defense minister is calling for more U.S. support and drone strikes in the fight against al-Shabab because without more backing, the counter-terror effort is doomed. Local al-Qaida affiliate al-Shabab controls about 30 percent of Somalia’s territory, and international military efforts in recent years to rid the country of Islamic extremism haven’t produced any real

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Somali leaders are on the technique to the country’s progress

Discussion conferences between the Federal government and the Federal member states are Mainly progressing ,according to the last meeting productive agendas for the future of the Nation and its citizens. The dialogue forum continued for the last two days in the capital city, which was granted to double efforts against Al-shabaab militants, in order to

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Suicide bomber kills 17 at Somalia police academy

An Islamic extremist suicide bomber disguised as a police officer killed at least 17 and injured 20 at a police academy in Somalia’s capital on Thursday, police said. Col. Mohamud Aden said that 20 other officers were wounded by the blast, some of them seriously. The bomber, with explosives strapped around his waist and torso,

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US Africa Command leader orders new probe into Somalia raid

The head of U.S. Africa Command has asked for an additional investigation into whether civilians were killed during a deadly August raid in Somalia involving American and Somali forces. Army Col. Mark Cheadle, a spokesman for Africa Command, said Wednesday that Marine Gen. Thomas Waldhauser has asked the Naval Criminal Investigative Service to look into

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Somali’s House of Representatives approve budget Government of 2018

The meeting of Somali’s House of Representatives has been approved budget Government’s of 2018 prepared by Ministry of Finance for the Federal Government of Somalia. It was chaired by the First deputy Speaker of the Assembly H.E Abdiwali Ibrahim Mudey,162 members accepted and approved on 2018 budget of the Somali Federal government,one refused,while other one

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