United Nations is in discussions about the future of its UNSOM office in Somalia

File Photo/Somali Times

The United Nations Office in Somalia said that they are in talks with the Federal Government of Somalia, after Somalia demanded the removal of the office (UNSOM).

The spokesperson of the United Nations Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), Ari Gaitanis, said that they are ready to follow the instructions of the Security Council, and noted that they are always committed to cooperate with and support the government of Somalia.

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Ari Gaitanis said that two years ago, the United Nations Office in Somalia conducted a review that recommended a transition phase to move from UNSOM to the United Nations team in Somalia, and he said that the Security Council supported the results. that review.

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The UNSOM spokesperson denied that their office is interfering in the internal politics of Somalia, which is against the nationalism and independence of Somalia.

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“We always support a plan that Somalis are leading. As for the criticism, I can’t say anything except to say, we are here to support and help, however we can,” said Ari Gaitanis.

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The government of Somalia has officially requested the United Nations to suspend the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).

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In a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, it was said that Somalia has made progress in the construction of the government, especially in the areas of security and government policy, and the government said that it prefers independence for its future development.