
Deputy Prime Minister meets Prime Minister of India – Discussed Cooperation between the two countries

India – Deputy Prime Minister  Mr Mahdi Mohamed Gulleed  met with Indian Prime Minister  Mr Narendra Modi. The meeting took place at the Indian Prime Ministry Narendra Modi, discussing bilateral relations between India and Somalia, as well as India’s integration into the Somali people. Mr. Mahdi Mohamed Guled has described the history of culture in

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Somalia, Pakistan sign agreement on mutual understanding

Somalia and Pakistan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on how the Pakistan government can help Somalia in the first place in technology, with the Pakistani Prime Minister and his predecessor, other officers of the Ministry of Interior. Somalia was signed by the Somali ambassador to Pakistan Mrs Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhzoumi while the Pakistani

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Deputy Prime Minister attends international conference in India

India – Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Federal Somalia , Mr Mahdi Mohamed Guled, and his delegation  travel to India to attend an international conference on the use of Natural Resources . The deputy prime minister of the country includes members of the Somali Federal Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Deputy

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Somali Prime Minister meets U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

Washington D.C- Somali Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Khaire has held a meeting on Wednesday with the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, John Sullivan in Washington D.C. The two leaders discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries and U.S. support for Somalia. “I met with US Deputy Secretary of State, John Sullivan where we discussed

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Britain hosts a meeting to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Somalia

Birmingham- An international conference on the promotion of security in Somalia and the establishment of international support has opened today in London, UK. The aim of the conference is to help governments and international donors provide the best ways to prevent the humanitarian situation in Somalia and to curb global awareness of Somalia and are

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Somali Ministry of Agriculture and Turkey signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Mogadishu – This event was attended by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Tika Development Bank of Turkey aimed at addressing riverine, river and water basins,Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia Mahdi Mohamed Guled, some of the cabinet ministers, the farmers of the country, the Turkish ambassador to Turkey and the Tika officials. The Minister of

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DP World signs agreement with Somaliland and Ethiopia

As per the agreement, Ethiopia will make the necessary infrastructure investment to develop the Berbera Trade Corridor Dubai: An agreement has been signed between DP World and the governments of Somaliland and Ethiopia, through which Ethiopia will now become a strategic partner holding a share of 19 per cent in Berbera Port. As per the

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Somalia closer to establishing first telecoms regulator

The government of Somalia has partnered with various stakeholders, including telecoms operators and the World Bank, to roll out a phased project towards establishing the country’s first telecoms sector regulator. recently reported that Abdi Sheik Ahmed has been appointed to head the regulator. The country’s telecoms sector comprises several players including Dalkom, Golis Telecom, Hormuud

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Prime Minister Khayre and his delegation arrived in Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi-The Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government  of Somalia Mr. Hassan Ali Kheyre visited the two-day visit, while the United Arab Emirates will meet with heads of state. Prime Minister accompanied by Foreign Minister Mr Ahmed Isa Awad, National Security Minister Mr. Mohamed Abukar Islow Duale, MPs and other members. Prime Minister Hassan

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Somalia: President Mohamed met Turkish Deputy Prime Minister

 The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H E  Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, met Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Çavuşoğlu and his delegation. Mogadishu President  thanked the Turkish government for its support in all its support to Somalia and praised the brotherly relations between Turkey and Turkey. Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister thanked the warmly welcomed

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