
China aid people affected flood, 1.5 Million U.S Dollar to Somalia

Mogadishu- Somali Times Chinese Ambassador to Somalia,  Mr. Qin Jian has today on Monday handed over 1.5 Million U.S Dollar in Cash to Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ahmed Isse Awad to help people affected by floods after handing over ceremony held at the Ministry in Mogadishu, Mr.Ahmed Awad , The Minister thanked People’s

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Somalia Ambassador presents his credentials to the Zimbabwean President

Harare-Somali Times  The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, H.E. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, received the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to South Africa, His Excellency Mr. Jamal Mohamed Barrow, who presented his credentials as a non-resident ambassador of Somalia to Zimbabwe. The Ambassador conveyed the greetings of His Excellency President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed

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Qatar and Somalia common interests and resource aspirations

Doha-Somali Times The Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani today meets the visiting Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed to discuss the distinguished fraternal relations between the two brotherly countries besides Arab and international issues of common concern.This is the Somalia  president’s Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed second official visit to Qatar within a year.The meeting between the

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President of Somalia arrives in Doha today with a delegation

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and the delegation led by President Mohamed arrived in Doha, capital of Qatar. The Presidential delegation accompanied by the delegation includes Ministers, MPs and senior diplomats from the Somali federal government. A statement from the office of the Somali President’s Media Office said

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Somalia: Currency Reform for the Central Bank of Somalia

The Central Bank of Somalia to issue a new national currency under Phase which will be limited to exchanging the counterfeit Somali shilling notes currently in circulation with new currency. Over the past two years the IMF has provided the Central Bank Somalia. with extensive technical assistance  to support the currency reform project. All preparatory

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Kenyatta: Continental free trade deal boosts Kenya, Djibouti partnership

President Uhuru Kenyatta Wednesday evening said the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement offers Kenya and Djibouti opportunity to increase public and private partnerships towards better prosperity. President Kenyatta said the agreement provides solutions to remove bottlenecks that have traditionally hampered intra-Africa trade. The Head of State spoke at State House, Nairobi, when he and the

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Museveni invites Egypt’s president to visit the source of the Nile

Uganda’s president Yoweri Museveni has invited his Egyptian counterpart to visit the source of the Nile in the East African nation.River Nile, which is the world’s longest river flowing through ten countries in Northeastern Africa, is the source of constant friction among these nations which rely on it to sustain agriculture, energy and development needs.Egypt

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Ethiopia: Saudi delegation seeks to explore various options to invest in areas of agriculture and livestock

The Ethiopian State Minister, Dr Aklilu Hailemichael held discussions with Saudi business delegation The business delegation seeks to explore various options to invest in areas of agriculture and livestock rearing. The delegation has already made visits to two locations in Ethiopia, both of which were close to the Ethio-Djibouti border. They appreciated the ease of

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Somali Government and EU Sign Agreement Important.

Mogadishu  – The Prime Minister of Somalia HE Hassan Ali Kheyre, details of the trip to Brussels and Results pace with the heads of various different conference  speaking to the  country. He said that they have entered into a number of important agreements for the Somali government and the European Union. Prime Minister stated that

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Somali Prime Minister meets with traders in Istanbul, Turkey

Somalia’s markets as the country is recovering from two decades of civil war.“The two countries share historic relation bonds. We welcome Turkish traders to invest in Somalia’s lucrative markets and to strength the existing commerce between the countries,” said Mr. Kheire. He said the two countries will convene regular meetings to follow up on the

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