EU approved $116.9m to improve security in Somalia

File Photo/Somali Times

The European Union approved $74.4 million for the cost of transferring the security responsibility of the African Union forces that will leave Somalia at the end of this year in 2024.

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The European Union said that it will support the Somali forces with $42.5 million, to enable them to take over the security responsibility of their country.

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In 2023, the African Union forces operation began to withdraw its forces from Somalia, in compliance with the 2023 United Nations Security Council Resolution.

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African Union forces has completed the first and second phase of the reduction of 5,000 soldiers and handed over 13 military bases to the Somali security forces.

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However, 4,000 additional African Union forces are expected to be withdrawn from Somalia by the end of June.

The European Union is the largest financial supporter of the African Union forces mission, having provided approximately 2.87 billion dollars since 2007.