Farmajo is still Somalia’s President until the election in 2021 agree

Photo/Somali Times

There is political uncertainty facing the country today, February 8, ended the term of Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who was elected to office in 2017. But still President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is in charge until the 2021 election that all Somali government and federal, state leaders agree according to the Somali constitution.

The Somali parliament is scheduled to hold one of its regular sessions today to discuss agendas and laws that have already been tabled and must be implemented.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble continues tomorrow in the history coincides with September 17 2020 agreement. Farmajo will address the Parliament was where in turn related to the performance of the government led by the office.

The international community has not yet commented on the end of the term of Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and it is noteworthy that international community representatives have been busy in recent weeks holding general elections.

The last meeting of Somali leaders in Dhusamareb last week ended in a stalemate, leading to no agreement on the expected elections. President Farmajo, in a speech to members of the House of Representatives the day before, expressed hope that a final agreement could be reached on the electoral dispute, although he blamed the Puntland and Jubaland administrations for being biased. He wanted to end the electoral dispute. Ahmed Madobe and Said Deni work for the Kenyan Government and other foreign actors.

Somalia is not the first time two previous presidents run out of the presidency and they put an extension in office. So what is the difference between President Farmajo and the two previous presidents?