James Swan called on Puntland and the federal government to restore their cooperation

File Photo/Somali Times

The acting United Nations representative in Somalia, James Swan, called on Puntland and the federal government of Somalia to take the necessary steps to resume their cooperation.

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James Swan, who visited Garowe yesterday, said that it would be beneficial for the Somali people if the leaders of the federal government and the regional governments overcome any existing differences and find a way of working together.

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“President Deni and I discussed many issues of national importance, including the campaign against Al-Shabab, the process of reforming the constitution, and the next election phase. While Somalia has made tremendous progress in recent years, we all know that many deep challenges remain,” said Ambassador James Swan.

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The UN ambassador has welcomed the preparations being made by the Puntland election committee and the people of Nugal region to start the direct election of local councils which will take place on the 23rd of July in the remaining three districts including Garowe.

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“We hope that these local council elections will continue the success of the local elections held in May 2023, and strengthen democratization as well as the progress made in the participation of women and youth,” said Swan.

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Swan said, in the meeting he had with President Deni, they discussed the security situation, and he praised the Puntland administration for their efforts to prevent terrorist groups in the Bari region, and how to work to put an end to the clan conflicts in the Mudug region, and recent incidents of piracy.

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