The Somali government responds to the opposition politicians propaganda for the end of a presidential term

The Somali government has for the first time responded to accusations from the opposition and the end of the presidential term and who should legally replace the outgoing government institutions.

Somali government spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim Maalimu said the statements of opposition politicians were never legitimate. Maalimu said the Somali parliament already passed a resolution stating that the existing constitutional institutions will continue to function until other institutions are replaced by new ones.

“Parliament has already approved that the current parliament will replace only new president elected in 2021 elections, and other leaders and other government agencies are similar,” a government spokesman said. Somali government spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim Maalimu added that the government is always ready for any dialogue to resolve the electoral stalemate.

Somali government spokesman speech comes after a series of candidates from the union and political opposition propaganda for the president to leave office.