United Nations congratulates Somalia on UN Security Council chair

The United Nations congratulates the government and the Somali citizens of Somalia’s membership in the United Nations Security Council at 2025-2026.

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“Somalia has experienced a long road for the past thirty years to peace, prosperity, and security. The election of a seat in the Security Council is the identity of the development,” said the UN Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan.

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“Somalia’s experience will make it a special place to help the Council and international security consultations,” he added.

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Somalia has recent members of the United Nations Security Council 1970-1972.

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The former government of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo filed Somalia’s request for membership in the Security Council in 2018, and that government has urged Somalia to seek this seat, sharing its candidacy with everyone, including the African Union, the United Nations and non-executive members. of the Security Council. And this issue was one of the final tasks of President Farmajo on the day of handover with President Hassan Sheikh.

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