
Ethiopia to start extracting crude oil tomorrow

Ethiopia is to start extracting the first ever crude oil deposit from Ethio-Somali Region as of tomorrow, The Reporter learnt. It is to be recalled that back in March, 2018, Poly-GCL, a Chinese company engaged in oil and gas exploration and development project in the Ethio-Somali Regional State, has already discovered oil and natural gas

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Somali foreign minister meets the Emir of Kuwaiti

Kuwaiti – Emir of Kuwaiti and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah met here today with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia Mr Ahmed Awad, who is currently visiting the Kuwaiti capital of Kuwait. During the meeting, they reviewed aspects of the close bilateral relations between the two countries in all

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Prime Minister Khaire meets President Paul Kagame

Kigali Somali Times, The Federal Government of Somalia Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire agenda and visit concluded with a one day visit to Rwanda was in Kigali, capital of the country, met with the President of Rwanda African Union Commissioner Paul Kagame. Somali Prime Minister and Rwanda President discussed bilateral ties between the two countries

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Puntland is regarding corruption in the Ministry of Finance

Garowe – The Finance Minister of the Puntland administration Abdihakin Dhaqaje accused the general accountant of meeting Mr.Adan Muse of failing to spend nearly $ 100,000. The minister said the $ 99,000 was lost by the Finance Minister of the Puntland State of Somalia, who resigned yesterday. He said the minister needs to be accountable

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Somali Prime Minister says no deal reached with Ethiopia on Seaports

Somali Prime Minister, HE Hassan Ali Khaire rejected reports that President Mohamed has Sign agreement with Prime minister Abiy Ahmed an official trade agreement with its neighbouring Ethiopian government last Saturday. Speaking to the Somali community in Oslo, Norway, Prime Minister Khaire. Said that Mohamed and Abiy Ahmed have reached a memorandum of understanding on

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The Somali president travels to Ethiopia

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and a delegation led by The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, arrived in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, where he will attend a regional summit of IGAD member states, the African Union and the United Nations. to address the crisis in South

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Somalia: Central Bank Governor Announces New Shilling Somali Shilling

Mogadishu -Somali Times Somalia’s Central Bank Governor, Sir. Bashir Isse Ali, today addressed the media, reported the new Shilling Somali currency in the country and development activities in the Central Bank of Somalia. First, the governor said that the new edition of the country’s currency is composed of many parts, indicating that these funds are

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Turkey: Nearly 120,000 houses sold in May

ANKARA-Nearly 120,000 houses were sold in Turkey in May, marking a 2.7 percent increase over the same period last year, the country’s statistics agency announced Wednesday.Some 55,500 houses were sold for the first time while the rest were second-hand sales — TurkStat reported. “For the house sales of May 2018, Istanbul had the highest share

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Pentagon says will deliver two F-35 jets to Turkey on Thursday

Turkey will receive its first two F-35 fighter jets from the U.S. on Thursday during a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas despite facing opposition from the U.S. Congress, the Pentagon said Wednesday. According to Pentagon spokesman Mike Andrews, Lockheed Martin will conduct a rollout ceremony on Thursday in Fort Worth and the jets will move

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Mogadishu Mayor appreciates Turkey for support in Somalia

Mogadishu -Mayor of Mogadishu of Banadir region Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman . thanked the Government and people of Turkey for the support always stand with the Somali people wherever they are, especially in development projects to carry out capital The Federal Republic of Somalia.Chairman Eng. Osman pointed out that the general public of the Somali

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