
Somali Minister of Transport, Civil Aviation said Aeroplanes companies’ requirements needed to complete, in Mogadishu airport

The Minister of Transport, Aviation of the Government of Somalia, said the plane did not requirements needed to complete the into grits airport Adan capital. To ensure the services that need to be taken from Mogadishu’s Aden Adde airport and airports in the country, the Ministry of Transport and the Air Transport is under the

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The Somali Foreign Minister visited the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation

Beijing– The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr Ahmed Issa Awad visited the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, which was welcomed by its vice president, Mr Lu Jing. Minister Ahmed Awad, who participated in the eighth session of the ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

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Somalia Foreign minister attends China-Arab Forum

China-The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr.  Ahmed Issa Awad attended the eighth session of the ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Mr Awad met Chinese President, H.E. Xi Jinping and discussed on promoting ties between the two friendly countries and China’s support to Somalia.

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EU house prices on the rise

Ankara -Housing prices up 4.5 pct in Q4 2017 compared to the previous year, says Eurostat Overall house prices climbed 11 per cent in the EU between 2010 and 2017, Eurostat said on Tuesday. The report showed that among the member states, the highest growths were recorded in Sweden (56 percent), Austria (49 percent), Latvia

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Somali President takes part in Djibouti’s Africa-China Cooperation Forum

Djibouti -The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has arrived in Djibouti where he opened the African and Chinese Cooperation Forum. The ongoing by 5-7 on July discuss the implementation of free trade in Africa, strengthening investment, infrastructure development and the realization of Vision 2030 development of the international agenda.

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Qatar delegation arrives in Hobyo port investment

The Minister of Ports and Marine Transport of Somalia Mrs Maran Aweys Jama and a large delegation led by the Mayor of Hobyo in Mudug Region. The delegation, which includes officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, welcomed the delegation from the Galmudug State of Somalia and the community. The delegation is currently

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Somali Prime Minister receives Qatari delegation in Mogadishu

Mogadishu  Somali Times – The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia Mr. Hasan Ali khaire has received a high-level delegation from Qatar at his office in Mogadishu on Tuesday. A statement released by the office of Prime Minister, the two sides discussed a range of issues, mainly the bilateral relations and Qatari’s plans

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Somali Ministry of Agriculture announces new livestock exports to the Middle East

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Sheikh Nur Mohamed Hassan said the export of livestock to the country is good, and the ban on the export of livestock exported to Saudi Arabia is set to expire in 2016. Saudi Arabia and in most of Somalia export Livestock in September 2017 on restrictions on the

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Turkey’s exports exceed $12B in June

ISTANBUL -Turkey’s exports in June surged 5 percent year-on-year, the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM) announced on Sunday.Last month, the country’s exports totaled $12.6 billion while, for the January-June period, they amounted to nearly $82 billion — a 7.4 percent annual hike. TIM data showed that the 12-month overall exports rose 9.7 percent on a yearly

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Germany’s VW opens Rwanda’s first car-assembly plant

How to sell cars when most people can’t afford to buy one? That is the conundrum for Volkswagen in Rwanda, where it is opening the country’s first car-assembly plant. A new Polo costs 33 times the average Rwandan income. Most cars on the road are second-hand imports. Rwanda absorbs perhaps 3,000 new cars a year,

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